What do experts check apple tree seedlings for?

In November, fruit tree seedlings were delivered to the Krasnodar Phytosanitary Testing Laboratory of the All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine (Gulkevichi). Three batches of varieties were delivered in the amount of 44 thousand pieces: GALA, FUJI and GRANNY SMITH. The seedlings are intended for shipment to Russian regions and were received at the customer’s request.

According to the results of the studies, pathogens of mycological, bacterial and viral diseases included in the Unified List approved by the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated November 30, 2016 No. 158 “On Approval of the Unified List of Quarantine Objects of the Eurasian Economic Union” were not identified.

Apple tree seedlings are undergoing various studies in the laboratory.

Entomological research includes the search for quarantine pests such as the California click beetle (Limonius californicus), Asian fruit fly (Drosophila suzukii), American plum moth (Cydia prunivora), cherry fruit moth (Cydia packardi), peach fruit moth (Carposina niponensis), Oriental fruit moth (Grapholitha molesta), Oriental cherry fly (Rhagoletis cingulata), Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis), pear moth (Numonia pyrivorella), California scale (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus), Japanese wax scale (Ceroplastes japonicas), oblique-banded leaf roller (Choristoneura rosaceana), apple borer (Agrilus mali) and others.

Among the pathogens capable of affecting apple trees, the following diseases can be distinguished: brown moniliosis rot Monilinia fructicola (Winter) Honey; apple and juniper rust Gymnosporangium yamadae Miyabe ex Yamada; Texas root rot Phymatotrichopsis omnivora (Duggar) Hennebert.

Bacteriological studies are aimed at detecting the causative agent of fruit blight Erwinia amylovora (Burrill) Winslow et al. Bacterial blight is considered a disease of young apple trees, since it most often penetrates the garden through cuttings and seedlings purchased from unreliable sources or received as a gift from neighbors.

Bacterial blight is a quarantine disease that manifests itself in a change in the shape of leaves, blackening and drying of foliage, as well as one-year-old young shoots. In addition, the disease causes spoilage and rotting of young fruits, which remain on the tree in a damaged state. The disease manifests itself in mid-summer.

In the process of virological studies, the pathogens Tobacco ringspot nepovirus and Cherry rasp leaf cheravirus are excluded.

The apple tree has many enemies, including insects, fungal spores, as well as bacterial and viral infections. The list of diseases can include those that pose a serious threat and can destroy not only the tree itself, but the entire garden in just a few seasons. Other diseases do not cause significant damage, but can deprive the gardener of the harvest.

Not only diseases can weaken or destroy fruit crops, but also dangerous pests that suck nutrients from the tree and interfere with its normal development. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify them as early as possible.